PPFC Season 3
The Pantry Pokemon Fight Club is a draft league hosted by Don Shnack on his discord server. I decided to join back in for season 3, as all my friends were partaking and felt like I was missing out during season 2. I felt like I learned quite a bit from my first draft, but still fairly new to this overall. By the end of the season, felt like I picked a much better team, but felt there wasn't enough cohesion between the Pokemon. Each one fit their role well independently, but as a squad they had some glaring weak points (like Cinderace and Lilligant-Hisui, different types, but they fit the same role). There was improvements, like I defeated a player in the division above me! Just need to work on drafting Pokemon that complement each other better.
- Format: Gen 9 OU
- League Size: 26 Players
- Season Length: 7 Weeks + Playoffs
- Personal Standing: 5-2 - 4th in Playoffs
The Squad
Cinderace (Scott Sterling)
I didn't learn the first time, and came crawling back to Scott. He's strong and fast, but he's now officially on retirement as the guy just can't land attacks to save his life. His eyesight must be going out.
KOs: 4 | Faints: 2 | Appearances: 6
Walking Wake (Velocipastor)
This guy just released when the draft started, and I was super excited to use them. They put in the work, as choiced or booster energy just let this guy hit like a truck. Just wish I was able to get the sun setup more often.
KOs: 9 | Faints: 2 | Appearances: 5
Lilligant-Hisui (Lilac)
At this point, I was kind of making a sun team with my fire-water-grass offensive core. While I didn't manage to get a drought pokemon, Lilligant was still great with it's speed. Just accuracy was a pain with Hustle...
KOs: 7 | Faints: 3 | Appearances: 5
Sylveon (Ribbons)
Sylveon is a favorite of mine, as it can be ran both offensively and as a support. Mainly ran it as a Calm Mind/Hyper Voice set, but would swap between screens and Wish passing.
KOs: 4 | Faints: 4 | Appearances: 6
Magnezone (Benito Classic)
This guy was a strange one. Sometimes ran him as a slow choiced attacker, other times defensively to spread some paralysis around. He did well throughout the season, but kind of feel like I could've used him better.
KOs: 6 | Faints: 2 | Appearances: 5
Quagsire (:))
Bulky water type, not much else to say. He did come in clutch a couple of times with the coverage he gets. I ran Ice Punch a couple of times just for that, and without it probably would've lost a match.
KOs: 4 | Faints: 3 | Appearances: 5
Bisharp (Mr. Man)
I didn't really like using Bisharp. On paper he seemed pretty good, but would just get destroyed by so many Pokemon and was too slow to really pressure them back. Maybe I used him wrong, but just didn't like him.
KOs: 0 | Faints: 1 | Appearances: 2
Tornadus-T (Cumulonimbus)
Torn was mainly for utility for the team, providing Prankster Tailwinds for the team and occasionally Sunny Day. Attempted to run a Bulk Up set, but that didn't really pan out.
KOs: 2 | Faints: 1 | Appearances: 3
Drifblim (Ballon)
One of my three Tera captains. Flare Boost was a lot of fun to use, as once I'm burned, tricking a Flame Orb onto the opponent caught them off-guard. Really fun pokemon to use.
KOs: 3 | Faints: 1 | Appearances: 5
Goodra (Gumdrop)
Tera Goodra is so much fun. It has quite a deep movepool and bulk that taking them down was difficult for many teams. While didn't knock out many, it put a lot of pressure and poked holes into opponent's teams.
KOs: 3 | Faints: 1 | Appearances: 8
Indeedee (Miku)
Mainly got Indeedee to be a terrain setter for Unburden Drifblim, but that didn't really pan out very well. A lot of the match-ups Indeedee would've just been dead weight on the team. So didn't get much use out of her.
KOs: 0 | Faints: 1 | Appearances: 1
Carkol (Trucker Jim)
One point tera legend. I wasn't expecting this guy to do all that much, but he put some teams for a run for their money with the amount of burns he was dishing out. Stealth Rock & Rapid Spinner for 1 point.
KOs: 1 | Faints: 3 | Appearances: 3